For 17 years, Cornerstone Christian School has helped equip covenant children for Christ-centered service.

The Cornerstone Foundation assists the school in this noble pursuit.


The Cornerstone Foundation, formerly the Cornerstone Endowment Fund, is a nonprofit that provides a perpetual stream of funds to support Cornerstone Christian School in Lynden, Washington. Donations are the Foundation’s principal source of income and distributions are made from the interest earned.


Our Mission

Sowing seeds to support Cornerstone Christian School.


Our Vision

Sustaining Biblical, Confessionally-based Reformed Christian education in Lynden, Washington.


Our Purpose

Building an enduring fund for our school community through Christian stewardship and generosity.


Why Support Us?

  • Enable Cornerstone Christian School’s long-term financial stability

  • Supplement operating costs to keep tuition affordable

  • Provide scholarships to grow local and global Christian leaders

  • Offer professional development for staff members

  • Invest in future capital projects

Ready to make a donation?